Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why didn't they and won't they vote?

Everyone one wants to change the world but no one wants to try!

Local mass media shouts the lacks of youngster voting. Why? Why does this young people putting their country at stake? I do not know in what relevancy of their research output, simplified and summarized the youngsters are not interested in politics. In a layman sense, just who wouldn't want to live in peace, everyone does. even a crying baby of 1 minute birth cries for peace once she enters this world.

It is a matter of  generation gap. Adults, elder people who fought for independence really appreciate these nation soils of growth as they have seen blood spilling all, uneven manner of hipocracy, racisme, ethnicisme, and more negativity. But those negativity was put aside as they need to be in control in an organization of their own. Together they started hand in hand to fight something bigger than 'life', creating a nation. But yet, several groups has come to an issue when it comes to create these dream, filling it with spices of nightmare based on individual interest blanket with promising nations. There were more than 3 political parties back before 1950's in our country. but yet, they managed to get the independence on 1957 ; but yet singapore left as almost a decade later to minimize national threat for a nation which is only 10 years old. And you elderly people are accusing your young guns not caring about the nation????

it is known now, this year 2011 they are 4 major political parties  and a few years back it has become 3 vs 1 but still the '1' wins not with a landslide, but  winning is still  winning. The true fact about the non-voters who 1 day will become voters, they dont really see the political party as a party. They  are not looking at politics as a layman anymore, not figuring it out as one big blanket. They are now able to seek, to research, to observe what is inside the party. the tits and bits on what is good or bad.

Simulation - Ok just imagine we have 3 boxes of apple, box  A has some good some rotten. Box B has all rotten apples, and box C are all good young apples in fresh condition. All these 3 boxes are sold at an equal price, where everyone can afford to buy. Would any consumer take the rotten, semi rotten boxes? Hell no, I will take box C, they is no way a sane man would take other then BOX C!! and just how would we check those boxes,of course by digging inside and check one by one.

That is the whole issue, nowadays people vote the person. Not a person who is rotten. As long as a candidate (who will be your leader) is dirty,why would you even vote him/her? they can furnish candidates with grades, titles and money, but that's not the ticket for these people to start voting. People dont vote for people with the most money today.

To be the leader, to be voted - a leader should be the best among it's group. The BEST Malay surely be voted to be the leader of Malays and must the BEST Malay, so does go for the other ethnics. nowadays, the parties are all exclusive - celebrity like. Honestly, we worry majorly, most of the so called candidates are about projects. The reasons for a voter to vote is just to support their team with an objective. May it be for the good of the people and neighbors? for a huge some of project? to seek revenge against a situation? i wont answer this as this is too controversial. It is very very sensitive as it puts the organization's harmony at stake.

The calculation is simple. You put a clean person, intelligent, equal person as a candidate people WILL vote. People WANT to vote, people will even vote for the candidate every week to keep him! Nowadays, people check their leaders background. you guys(candidates) are bigger than cristiano ronaldo, a single mistake will dig your political grave. These youngsters today are very intelligent. they wont join when there's no equal chance. They can follow the system if it is correct. How can they vote if they realize the system is flawfull? It doesn't take a genius to realize who is twisted who is not. A candidate will be judged, analyzed and criticized. If there is no candidate available what would they do? they just WONT vote. Because the price of putting their trust is priceless. There is no such thing as 'beli undi'a.k.a vote buyings from these generations no more. And we are talking about the generation who will take care of the country when the elderly is GONE.

The younger generation is well exposed by unlimited sources of education, yeah.. the older generations will live to say you are raw and we have more street knowledge. but that is just the single reason that these younger generations are making conclusions from what they've observed, they dont know who to choose because the candidates are not clear enough to be voted. A vote is priceless as it is the backbone for the country. and if the country backbones has viruses - maybe a family of viruses, the resources will go elsewhere rather than for the people. and we dont want that. Pull off the grants, the government subsidy and all, just who will survive? these nation bonuses will not be there forever. The younger can cope, it might take time but they will live. So it doesn't really matter if we dont have those subsidized item, as the countries loyalty comes first.

Just look and see what our country has become since the last 10 years. Our country is for us, not for other country. The local politics is not well-known outside so just let keep it sane inside. They is no use blasting it to
neighbours. Keep this in tact, when you put flaws of your own country on the map - it really put your countries income at stake. There is no where else like home. This is my country, i love it, i would spill blood fighting for it. Yes i will. And many of those youngsters out there will , even without the PLKN training.

This nation consists of multiple races, a candidate who can unite these races into 1 will surely win at any place. and the only way to win those hearts is to fight something bigger than yourself, your party. some thing bigger than personal benefits. Something which can produce an equal benefit for the nation. Major ethnics, melayu, cina, india. we combine these 3 ethnics, we can be the most stable country in Asia, maybe in the world. but monopolization has put these bonding at stake. Maybe war from alienated force would pull it together again but no one wants to see that happening. We pray everyday not to have that kind of scene here.

So youngsters(non-voters), if you find your suitable candidate please vote. No matter who, i know we cant really join a party right know as we are not even confident of the candidates ability today. We pray hard for the true leader to show himself. Guide us to be THE harmonious nation. Election is coming. Think fast, think wise. If the candidate is ridicolous i wish there is an engine where we can say our thoughts why he is not suitable and get the 100% true person up there.

When the shit hits the fan, it will One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.



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